


Before I am a photographer, I am a daughter, a sister, an auntie, a friend. Maybe that's why I cry during every father daughter dance. I laugh at every toast. I well up when an Officiant pronounces a couple husband and wife. I buzz with joy chasing children around the playground. I feel awe when a newborn's tiny hand clutches my pinky finger. I draw from the emotions I have experienced through my own life's most precious moments to know when and how to capture those of others, and I usually can't help feeling overwhelmed myself! The emotional rush I feel when I'm behind the camera is what makes me love what I do. The joy I bring others through photography is what makes me do what I love.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam nonummy, sapien in euismod eleifend, lectus tortor interdum neque, id tincidunt arcu felis ut diam. Nunc non lorem id orci fringilla condimentum. Sed non est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent tortor eros, imperdiet in, pellentesque a, consequat id, enim. Etiam metus magna, pellentesque sit amet, blandit eu, consequat a, turpis. Nullam eget nibh. Etiam non orci adipiscing purus auctor pulvinar. Donec convallis, massa quis condimentum volutpat, augue lorem tincidunt ipsum, ac vulputate enim nisl eu libero. Nam pulvinar molestie dui.

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Pellentesque quis diam. Sed rhoncus. Nam fringilla, tellus vel eleifend varius, purus sapien ultricies sem, nec venenatis orci ante nec turpis.



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